In 2010, AlgaEnergy launched its own research program, called GENETDIESEL, "Selection and genetic improvement of microalgae and cyanobacteria for the production of biodiesel". The purpose of this program is to select microalgae and cyanobacteria strains that, through genetic engineering and metabolic modification, increase their capacity to produce lipids that can be converted into biodiesel and other biofuels, in exterior conditions of active growth.
GENETDIESEL is being developed by the research groups "Gene expression and signal transduction in photosynthetic organisms" and "Microalgae biotechnology" of the Institute of Vegetal Biochemistry and Photosynthesis, in which 11 researchers and doctors participate, led by Prof. Francisco Javier Florencio Bellido and Prof. Miguel García Guerrero from the University of Seville.
Some of the relevant results obtained are:
- In some cyanobacteria, the fatty acid content of the cell has been increased by up to 30% through genetic modifications.
- Through metabolic engineering, a mutant type that contains mutations in several metabolic pathways has been obtained and presents an extracellular fatty acids content that is double compared with that of the wild type.
Three new patents are derived from the GENETDIESEL program.
100% own financing: