Spirulina is popularly known as "the miraculous algae" and has spectacular stimulating, cleansing and regenerating properties.
Much has been said in recent years about the nutritional and medicinal benefits of consuming spirulina. This microalga stands out for its characteristic bluish-green color and its spectacular contribution in nutrients. It is actually a set of unicellular bacterial microorganisms of the Arthrospira genus.
This alga is said to be one of the oldest forms of life on earth and is attributed as responsible for the presence of oxygen in the atmosphere. Based on this background, UNICEF and the UN declared spirulina one of the most nutrient-rich foods in the world and stands out for being one of the most highly valued superfoods today.
Its high chlorophyll content also makes it an extraordinary blood detoxifier and its high nutritional value makes it a great ally to treat cases of anaemia, chronic fatigue and malnutrition. Unsurprisingly, even NASA considers it a staple food for astronauts.
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