
Resultado de Busqueda:

"Lorem Ipusm"

2 resultados

A unique raw material

<p>Rica Composición</p>
<p>Rica Composición</p>
<p>Rica Composición</p>
<p>Rica Composición</p>
<p>Rica Composición</p>
<p>Rica Composición</p>
<p>Rica Composición</p>
<p>Rica Composición</p>
<p>Rica Composición</p>
<p>Rica Composición</p>

They created the habitable atmosphere as we know it today

They are as old as life on our planet

They are responsible for more than 50% of the planet's oxygen

They are photosynthetic unicellular beings

They are the origin of all plant life

They are the first link in the ocean trophic chain

They grow in all kinds of aquatic environments

They are inexhaustible and highly productive

They are the most efficient CO 2 biofixers on the planet

They do not compete with other raw materials. They are inexhaustible and highly productive

60.000 different species: great biodiversity

A raw material of the highest quality with an immense potential application

Microalgae, through photosynthesis, give us the oxygen we need to breathe. We owe them our life, but they can also improve it.

Thanks to their rich biochemical composition and properties, microalgae are a raw material of great quality and strategic value, an unparalleled raw material for developing many products that are beneficial to humans in various sectors.

They are currently being valued in sectors such as agriculture, nutrition, cosmetics and aquaculture. Their immense potential is currently being studied for application in pharmacology, in the production of biomaterials and in the energy sector, as precursors of fourth-generation biofuels.